Weather alert & rain forecast app with many features for every city.
Get the best weather forecast app with the most comprehensive information and best features for FREE!Local Weather – Accurate Weather Forecasting gives you every information regarding temperature, rain forecast, wind speed, cloud coverage, and much other important information that other apps might not provide. You can also view the weather conditions of most cities in the world, from small towns to big cities. Take a look at our app and you’ll realize this is the only weather forecast app you will ever need!Weather condition is a big issue for many people. Knowing the weather for that day enables us to plan whether we have to take a car or bring an umbrella. In certain climate, especially in hurricane season, the weather forecast is, even more, a serious issue because it concerns safety. In the past, we have to tune into the weather alerts in weather channel on TV.Now we don’t have to do that anymore. Instead of waiting for the rain forecast on the weather channel, now all we have to do is to download a powerful and accurate weather forecast app and open it anytime and anywhere to find information about weather condition and the daily forecast. ----------------------------------------------------------------BEST FEATURES OF LOCAL WEATHER----------------------------------------------------------------• Daily forecast that shows the weather conditions for that day.• Very user-friendly and simple to use.• Ability to track your location and give information about local weather. • Animated icons for better viewing.• Temperature information in Celsius.• Add multiple cities and view each daily forecast by tapping the name.• View the weather and climate in World Map View.Weather forecast should be more than whether I need to bring an umbrella or not. Many professions are depended on knowing what to face ahead. If you are a pilot, the Visibility and Cloud coverage information is a potential lifesaver. We don’t want to miss any single information about the weather that anyone will need.Local Weather gives the most comprehensive information, including:- Weekly weather forecast & temperature- Wind speed- Rain forecast throughout the day- Visibility- Humidity- Cloud coverage.You can see from above that this daily forecast app has more features and gives more comprehensive information compared to other similar apps and certainly better than the weather channel. This app works on every climate and most cities in the world. Want to know the exact temperature of your location in Celsius? Just type in the city’s name and select it. We will immediately display the info of that location and bookmark the cities you are interested in for easy access. So, no more wondering whether to bring the umbrella to work or not. You also don’t have to be worried about getting taken by surprise by a hurricane or snowstorm.★★★★★ Download Local Weather - Radar, Realtime Forecast & Alerts now! It’s FREE, accurate, and informative. ★★★★★************************SAY HELLO************************We are constantly working hard on making the app better for you. We need your constant support to get going. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello. If you enjoy our climate & weather app, please share it with your friends or family. Please don’t forget to leave your rating and review to support us.Note: Our app is compatible with almost all Android devices.Follow us to get news and updates @MobileAppsMD
Good view to weather
Does nothing. Immobile, dead. Worthless.
It shows all that I need. Thank you.
Its okay
Not current
Great App to get Weather alert.
Excellent service